Favorite Song

Kung may Queer Hymn tayo.. Meron din nmn taung favorite song.. GLAMOROUS SKY by Nakashima Mika. Oh c Magi ang ngsabing peyborit ntn yan ah! Pakinggan nio na lng.. Below this:

Glamorous Sky

Saturday, April 7, 2007

More than a habit: Staying up late at night

*Yawns* Kinda sleepy again.. You know what? Well guess, I didn't sleep! Well I'm not saying that I didn't even wink, of course i did. It was exhausting but I'm sort of proud, because for the first time I achieved something unusual (yeah, although some may think it's foolish). Hehe.. Look, my eye bugs became more obvious than before.. Well after I cut doing silly things from my head I'd get a "beauty rest". I am afraid that my "beautiful face" will age. (uhh.. just ignore the "beautiful face" that I've written, it was just a joke ^^).

It's really imprudent to stay up late. But I did not act silly just because I want to. There's really a reason behind my "modus operandi" as they call it. My best friend, way back from my elementary days, sent me a message saying that he needs help. Why refuse? Besides of being his best friend, I want to comfort him. So what's his problem by the way? It's not that confidential so I'll share it to you. (of course no names will be written)

Like most of the youths problem today: love life
Problem # 1: The girl that he loves already has a boyfriend.
Problem# 2: The girl only treats him as a friend.
Problem # 3: The girl's boyfriend is his band mate.
Problem # 4: He doesn't want to stop wooing the girl. Why? He told me that all would be wasted if he did. He doesn't want to lose his friendship with the girl. He said that if he'll stop courting, it would be the end.
Problem # 5: Just last night, it ended up. He told me that he doesn't want to see her confused, the problem is he really exerted so much effort that my friend even applied at a restaurant to work!! (he needs money to buy a life size teddy bear to give it as a gift to her)

Life is a box of chocolates, you never know what you'll get.

1 comment:

raymond said...

kawawa naman 2ng guy n 2 pinagsakluban ng tadhana, wag kang mag alala totoy marami p dyang iba kaso it depend on how u will deal with it